Saturday, August 28, 2010

Well, I finally produced a track...

Me and my friend nate produced a track, we took a voicemail I got from one of my exes, and chopped it up and made a electro track out of it...(she is royally pissed but damm...for a first attempt its pretty tight..inspired me to wanna make more...)

here is the link

Nice Nate + J-me = Hitler Killed Himself by J-me

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Old radio show and Fanpage, and other stuff too..

J-me - Oldschool Radio Show - Dysfunctional radio spring 2009 by J-me

This is one of my old recorded radio broadcasts that I just happened across, thought I would master it and put it up for old times sake....its got alot of those poppy remixes that people tend to like to tap their toes to...I dunno I was bored.

I updated my website, so that is all up to date, and I finally got around to making a fanpage on facebook....

Here that is too....


Promote your Page too

and my soundcloud, well, I decided that once I hit the 2000 mark for plays, I am gonna put out another new mix, for your listening pleasure..., for now though, here is a little widget with all my current mixes on it....

Dj Mixes by J-me

meow :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

well, alots been happening for me

I have had so much positive feedback from my new mix, its kinda blowing my mind a bit. I just played a show out in WV, and they are planning on having me back in August, and the kids were loving it, and I totally loved being there. I have a few other shows planned too, so I am busy busy...I also got a mention on Electro-News, some place in France....I cant be bothered looking up the link right now, but its out there, somewhere, if you wanna check it out....
I gotta gloat about something here, because it totally made me sport a big cheesy smile for about 3 hours today...Ok, background, about hmmmm...3 months ago I sent Calvertron a email, asking him about this track blah blah blah, well honestly dude, this guy is totaly my frickin inspiration, and I didn't even reckon I would get a response, but I did, and he gave me the info on the track, not gonna lie, it made my day...

Here is the stats for my new track, I'm pretty pleased, its been played in 53 different countries, (who the fuck has heard of me in macedonia? more importantly, where IS macedonia? Do they even have electricity there?) Anyway, see all that green, those are the countries that have heard my shit, and apparently love the fuck out of it. Niiiiccee :)

In other breaking news, I just finished my internship....little background here too, I work for a group home/Shelter for pregnant teenage girls, when I was done with my internship, they decided to hire me, which is awesome. I like my job, ALOT. So things are going pretty well for me....

Oh, and I got to hang out with Borgore the other week, he played a show in Pgh, and well, he and I spent some time hanging out, we went out to dinner, and chilled on Sunday. He is funny as fuck and we really just hung out cutting up on eachother, its so cool when you meet someone who is really really big, and they turn out to be really really real...that is the shit, even if I am not a fan of Dubstep, I definitely am a fan of Borgore. He actually made me appreciate Dubstep a little more than I used to....gotta admit, when its done right, its pretty hot. And all in all, he is a pretty cool dude, even if he made fun of my POS car :P and my dysfunctional GPS...oh well...

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I actually got off my ass and made a new mix....

here it is,

not gonna lie, its fuckin sick..Best one I have ever made I think...this has been brewing...All prepped up for my trip to Detroit. Me and the boyz goin out to DEMF...expect many many stories to follow...Not much else to say...actually I have alot to say...alot has been going just not ready to talk about any of it...Fuck.My.Life.And.Everyone.Elses......

Friday, May 7, 2010

Today, not such a great day.

I'm gonna start off by saying I am pissed off.

Most of the reasons I am pissed off, I cant even write about here. Instead of writing why I am pissed off, I am simply going to say this. People are incredibly stupid. I don't understand why the human race is so full of people who are so insecure about themselves that they need to make themselves feel validated by making other people feel bad. I don't understand how people can have the capacity to look you in the face with the brightest of smiles, and resent you with such utter anemosity....

I am not a stupid girl, I have learned throughout my life that nothing is real, and nothing is permanent, and nobody NOBODY is ever who they appear to be. It is a sad thing, to come to such realizations. When they say ignorance is bliss, they couldn't be further from the truth. Even myself, I live in a world where I have a persona, and nobody really gets past the walls to the real person inside me. On the rare occasions that I allow someone to bypass those walls, I always regret it. Because no one deserves to be there. Because once I show you who I really am inside, chances are you are going to find a way to use that against me too. It is a sad world, and a lonely way to live, but that realization is the only thing that is the ultimate truth. I am not going to sugar coat the world today. Today was a day which was all too real....and frankly, I just don't feel like allowing myself the blissful pretend outlook. Today I am just going to feel my discontent, so that tomorrow, I can forget about it, and pretend just like everyone else, that the world is a wonderful place full of rainbows and butterflies. But today, the world can go fuck its self, and I am going to wallow in it, until I wake up tomorrow to start the illusion all over again.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Strippers and Monopoly....

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

CRAZZZZZYYYY RAVE ZOMBIE usual, my life is full of chaos. I am just about finished school for the semester...(thank fuck for that) I am so exhausted lately that I feel like I really dont have time for myself...I have been running circles around myself trying to keep up. I feel like a dog chasing my tail sometimes....I played a few shows recently. I played at Love eternal 2, Where it's at and at Rebirth. I also have played a few house parties too. I am waiting for the details for a benefit show for this skate park in the city...hopefully that will be sounds pretty interesting. I also am supposed to play at a superhero theme'd party too.

One thing I am very excited about is that I am going to Detroit in a couple of weeks to go to DEMF...a 3 day electronic music festival. I am so pumped to be driving out to Detroit with Damian, Wes and Chantay. I love road trips....LOVE them....and I have been wanting to go to DEMF now for something stupid like 4 years.

I have been trying to keep things quiet these days...keeping the house parties at a minimum....Things just don't feel right...Apart from feeling so tired all the time, I just have this feeling something bad is about to happen...and usually my gut instinct on these matters tends to be spot on. A few of my friends have been getting into some trouble lately, and while I don't really get involved with these sorts of matters, I just feel the wave of drama about to unfold. I am picking which shows I go to very carefully these days....Especially after I managed to get bitten by some random dude at a show a few weeks back...I just dont feel that I am chilling and giving myself a much needed break.

Basically what happened with that was, I had just finished playing my set at Where it's at, in Squirrel Hill, and I walked outside to smoke a cigarette, and when I got out there, there was a 200lb man, running around naked. Now, we all know how I tend to help out from time to time, and sometimes, I end up getting involved with things which I would be better off....not...but anyway, I walked over to said naked dude, and was buddy, let me help you pull your pants up...Turns out, this man had been thrown out of the party earlier by Smokie,(our friendly neighborhood law enforcer) and had put up quite a fight. Turns out that this man was covered from head to toe with I helped this dude try to pull his jeans back up, he stumbled, because he was quite fucked up, and fell on top of me....when this happened, about 6 security guards jumped in and tried to pull him off of me....I think that what happened after that was that this man was so out of his mind...probably on acid or something, that he just felt like he was getting attacked and started kicking and biting...while he was still on top of me...which resulted in me getting bitten by this man on my hard as he possibly I almost passed out from the pain...(I really thought he took a huge chunk out of my stomach). On top of all that, I was COVERED in mace, because all of the mace that was on this guy, ended up all over me...I had no idea that mace burned your skin as well as your mouth, eyes and orifaces...I had that shit all over my fucking sucked...remind me NEVER EVER to piss off a cop...I think I would rather get tazed....

After they managed to pull this dude off me, he started wandering around ( still naked mind you) in the middle of the road and everything...after about 15 minutes 3 cop cars and an ambulance showed took 9 cops to restrain this guy...who might I remind you, was still naked...He also BIT one of the cops too... The cops made me go to the hospital because this guy managed to break my skin through a t-shirt and a hoodie....and to be honest, this bite was pretty friggin bad...and my car was blocked in so I couldn't even drive myself to the hospital....

So, off to the hospital, with my friends in a car following the ambulance....turns out that the cops ended up doing quite a number on this dude, and he was STILL all kinds of fucked when I got to the hospital, that guy, he was there too...we could hear him screaming from the waiting room...every time he would yell, I would yell out, YEAH...YOU STAB HIM WITH THAT NEEDLE!!!!

Doctors gave me a script for Vicoden, and when they were done tending to me, I went back to the party ( about 2 hours later ) I mean I had car was still there :) (but if anyone asks, its because I am hardcore...I make a trip to the ER and come BACK to the rave afterward... ;P

Anyway, on top of all that, I got a phone call from Pgh's finest, I get to go to court and testify next week....not sure how I feel about all that...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

House music and home fries.....

Yeah so, I spent my evening studying for a sociology exam, that was eventful. Then I spent my morning, taking preformentioned exam, that was ew, then I came home and ate the awesome brekkie my friends made, was all quaint and picnic like, ( see attached pics)

I got a myspace message from Mo today, Not gonna lie, these little headgames with girls are really starting to do my head in...I see myself getting more and more jaded every day, every chick, sometimes I guess I am starting to understand maybe why Erin is the way she is...maybe not...I guess I just cant help my bitterness, my distance, my distrust. I dont want to become like her, but I am scared that I will.

I hate feeling unappreciated.
I definitely hate feeling disposable.

Its hard to not take myself so seriously, when I feel like people just suck me dry like a sponge, walk on me and treat me like a doormat...

people suck....

but then there are picnics, which make me feel like a dick for even saying that...

but yeah, the general population,

More on my imminent depression, coming soon to a blog near you.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Well, today I spent most of my day in a sleep filled coma, but when I woke up I pretty much got a booty call, who says sex cant cure misery, it is definitely a good temporary fix....Its my birthday today....and at 1am, Febuary 8th, It appears that it is off to a good hour in and BAM, Im getting it, and getting it good....who could possibly complain about that? My car, still dead, most definitely the transmission...but for now I have a distraction, which is in the shape of a big loud orgasm....nice. I'm not gonna kiss and tell here, doesn't really matter who, but to say the least, it was unexpected...

I also managed to work things out with Mo, my friend who I unintentionally lashed out at yesterday when I was at the peak of my stress...I was kinda worried about all that...But all is good with that...

Jillian is supposed to come hang out, I'm pretty sure that had there not been 36 inches of snow between us, she would have been here by now....I'm kinda pumped that I managed to break the ice on that one, she seems like a cool chick, and well, we shall see, at least I can talk to her now, dont know why girls make me shy someitmes...its so not like me, because usually I am so blunt and bold, but there are the select few that make me get all dumb, or at least feel like I am dumb...

My living conditions, the who what and where of my home life....

Over the last 5 years, I have lived in 2 houses. Actually, one was more of an apartment, but now I have the luxury of living in a house. Its not a a bad house. I live on a one way street, which is annoying at times because well, when I have a house party, my friends tend to dominate just about every parking spot in a 3 mile radius....They my neighbors however, seem to not mind so much about the constant bassy wobbly noises which emit from my 3 story house, starting at all hours of the day or night....They dont even seem to mind that from time to time, usually somewhere around 6am on any Friday or Saturday night, A plethra of brightly colored fucked up little ravers start creeping up the street and into my house, and usually camp out in my house until I get sick of looking at them sometime Sunday night....anywhere from 60-150 people on an average weekend tend to squeeze their way into my humble abode.....

On the weekdays, I would like to say that things quiet down...I have school, Skoots has work...but really, my house tends to have a revolving door where people just kinda make their way into and out of my house....friends coming over to practice for an upcoming party, or just to lay down some tunes and hang out....We have a bustling little household, There is almost always someone in my house who doesn't really live there...My house seems to sometimes be the refugee camp for UFO, Baggy pants wearing kandi kids and dj's and whoever else shows up....Sometimes it is a little frustrating, because at the end of the day, everyone wants a little peace and quiet, but honestly, on the rare occasions when my house is truly empty, the silence almost is deafening, and I almost feel lonely if someone isnt around....Ive grown so used to having so many people around me all the time, that when my house is empty, I kinda dont know what to do with myself......

The Inhabitants.....Past and Present

My house does sometimes seem to have a revolving door of inhabitants....not really though, but sometimes...Currently living in my house are me and Skoots, and Drea....description to follow....In this house, the past inhabitants over the last year were Red Hat Nick ( who only just moved out recently...because one of my ex's caused him to loose his job and he couldn't afford it anymore...Tika, Official member of the Tripod of Evil She left because she wanted a quieter life, and for a short time she and I just weren't seeing eye to eye anymore, Mostly because I got blindsided and sucked into the bullshit reguarding my ex, AKA - Eryn Evans (I am sure at some point I will describe the "Eryn Syndrome" For now though, I am going to save that for another day)

There have been others, In this house, and well, when I get into describing the 3 years we lived in the COMPOUND ( my old apartment ) you will get to her about some other people who lived with all of us...The Compound stories are really some of the stories of pittsburgh rave legends, and really, I dont know how none of us really ended up in jail, or worse, for some of the antics we pulled off there and yet somehow managed to get away with, I'll get to that a little later...For now though, I am, going to describe my current house-mates....

Right now we have a happy little community, and for the most part me and my roommates seem to be meshing pretty well...

Skoots Is a goofy little fucker, who more often than not manages to get drunk from time to time, and amuse the shit out of me with his quirky silliness....Skoots is the kind of guy, who sometimes is too nice for his own good...But I have alot of love for this kid...he pretty much nursed me back to health a couple of years ago when I really had a mental breakdown because of a bad breakup...he would sit on the edge of my bed, trying to force feed me Ramen noodles because for about 3 months I was so broken I wouldn't even eat, Or he would tuck me in and just make sure I was ok. Skoots is probably one of the most dependable roomates I have ever had...He pays his rent on time, cleans the house and the only real gripe I ever have with him, is his unending, never changing, ridiculous love of Hardstyle...I swear, Hardstyle to me sounds like 2 sneakers, (sometimes 3) bouncing off the insides of a tumble dryer...I hate it...just not my thing...I much prefer him to play Drum n Bass, He is way better at it, and it doesn't make me want to smash my face into a wall and knock myself into a coma....he is a good DJ' I'm not saying he isnt, but damn, hardstyle isnt my cup of tea at all....Oh and he is awesome for doing boy jobs like taking out the trash, and shoveling....and helping to clean around the house- SKOOTS=NOT A SLOB, this is awesome! He really is one of the best roomates I have had, he puts up with my shit, which is admirable...and all around is a pretty awesome dude.

Drea- She now she isnt a DJ at all,
I think she is the first person to ever live in my house that wasnt some sort of DJ She is a raver of sorts, She popped into the scene about a year or so ago, or at least that is when I met her...She is a pretty cool chick, She ebbs on the side of the dramatic from time to time, but I mean, who doesnt....She is still climbing the social ladder, and getting to know the ropes, I think that once she has been around us all for a bit longer, we will mold her into a good and proper little rave minion... She already helps out alot at parties, and I think she sees herself becoming a promoter at some point, I think she just needs to give it a little more time, to get herself out there to become whatever it is she plans to become.

Me....Ill write about me in more depth later, long story short, I moved here 5-6 years ago from Scotland, I am loud and obnoxious, but in a cute and endearing sort of way....I play Bassline, Electro and House ( the good stuff ;P) I have a radio show I do twice a week from my college radio station, I throw parties, I just love bringing people together....And every party I have thrown has been pretty epic...Me Tika and Eryn founded Sisters of Sinister ( an offshoot of Sinister Movement) a few years ago, and ran a clubnight called One Night Stand for awhile, That was pretty fun, and always interesting because EVERYONE got hella drunk...$6 pitchers....seriously, kids would just put straws in the pitchers and drink until oblivion....We would book a handful of local dj's and just jam out on a Tuesday night...and we still managed to pack the place...which is impressive for a Tuesday night. I'm sure many jobs were lost due to the fact that half of the burgh was almost certainly hungover the next day....

I'm tired of writing for now....there are many many more players in this debauchary of ravelore which I am sure you are going to continue reading, once it begins to get a little more interesting....stay tuned, My day has only just begun...its the morning after the shitty day before, and Im pretty sure that by the end of the day I will have something to bitch and moan about...

till then

Below, pics of some of the people mentioned.... once the pic uploader works again

2 days before my birthday.....this isnt supposed to be like this....

Every year for my birthday, we throw a rave...I like to say, I dont have the traditional birthday party, I throw a rave. 600 kids show up, from about 6 different states, to party with little old me....Ok, really, we throw bangers, we book international dj's and we totally get shit done. Last year, was pretty fucking epic. We throw this party called I heart, ( I <3)>
Last year, The night of my party, I roll up, dressed in a miniskirt, and a bright red fur coat...I'm not gonna lie, if you didnt know me, I totally looked like a NY hooker...when we get there, there are already 15 cop cars outside my venue, ready to shut my party down ( it had been going for a grand total of 15 minutes...) COntrary to popular belief, raves are well, kinda illegal...but we do manage to find some legal loops to jump through, to make sure that we still get to do what we do best, make damn good music happen, and have a damn good time doing it....

I walk over to the chief of police, and say to him, basically, please dont shut down my birthday party...he said isnt this a rave, and I scoffed at him and I was like no, this is my birthday party, and I have alot of important people here and have invested a shit ton of money to make this night happen, I explain to him that I am from Scotland, and my friend from Wales has flown in just to be here, the cop looks at the 400 people lined up around the block waiting to get in, and says to me in disbelief " you know all these people" to which I yell to the crowd, hey everyone, whats my name, and everyone yells, Hi Jaime...Yes officer, these are my friends, and they are here because I brought them here....after some discussions about code violations, and the fact that we indeed didnt have a liqour licence....I somehow managed to escort the cops around the venue, get everyone to take their booze out of the party...(wink wink) and not have them shut us down....all in all, party went on, with the cops blessing, I think we even took some pics of me ( looking like a high class hooker, hugging the chief of police...

The party was a huge success, and well, when you have a huge successful party, people remember that, and they always come, bringing 5 new friends with them next year....

Ok so that was last year, and this year, I<3>

But here is the kicker, and this is where you will see, my day basically sucked ass.... bigstyle....

This morning I decided to dig my car out of the snow, and go to the store, because well, I was out of bog roll ( thats toilet paper for you silly little yanks) as I drive my car up the street, I manage to get caught in a snow drift....and me being the dumb fucking girl I am, managed to (now I am not a mechanic, but this is what I think I did anyway) I managed to fry my transmission in my let me paint this picture for you....I live on a one way street, which is basically a giant fucking hill, and thanks to the pittsburgh roadplow fucks, they only really plowed my street like one time, so it was pretty shitty...I manage to get approx 20 feet from the end of my street, to which the utopic vision of a wonderfully plowed oaisis awaits, for me to make my way to the store, so I can take the massive shit that has been brewing in my bowels since I woke up, and have a nice soft piece of 4 ply to wipe my ass with...Its there, right in front of me, I see it, I'm excited about it...and dies, in the middle of a half plowed one way street, and all my nebby neighbors just stand there gawking...after half an hour of 4 of my friends trying to push my fucking car out of this dumb snowbank, and at least to the side of the fucking road...I give up, in a maniacial mental breakdown where all I can do is laugh through my tears, I walk the whopping 300 yards back to my house, dejected, and try to make some phone calls to get someone to come with a car, help me push my car 200 feet to the proper side of the road so that the plows and other road traffic can at least get by....


but no wait, of course this can only get worse...( At this point I didnt think this was all....but it does, its almost amusing...)

I called AAA, to try to get them to tow my joy there, they arent coming...(of course they arent...why would any part of this day go my way)

Next, after 3 hours of trying to get someone to come push my car...I get someone to come, I go outside and someone is pretty much taking up enough space to park 3 cars, in the space where I simply want to roll mine in to try and get it out of the way....

So we ask the neighbor, hey can you like, back up your big fucking dumbass SUV like perhaps, 20 feet, so I dont hit your car, and can move mine out of the way...

So some ghetto ass black woman comes outside and starts screaming at me...and anyone who knows me, knows that I really dont respond well to anyone getting in my face...she creates this big scene, because well, she was a dumb cunt...(yes, you can expect me to use many profanities at this point, because 1. I like the word cunt, it s very effective and 2. I'm a cunt and I swear like a sailor, especially when I am pissed off....) Anyway she is yelling at me I am at breaking point and I make the mistake of well, getting right back in her damn face...I'm actually pretty lucky she didnt knock me out, but hey, whatever....EVENTUALLY, her brother agrees to move his the attempt to move his car, he hits my car...yes, HE hits MY car....nice one right, but honestly, at this point, Im not even worried about this point, I'm kinda beat....

It wasnt a bad hit, he just kinda nudged my mirror, no biggie, not considering the day I had, and the fact that im probably gonna be shelling out about 1500 to get my car fixed, ( did I mention I JUST bought this car? 3 weeks lie....

Anyway, at the end of all this, ( this black lady btw is still screaming at me, and now she has called her fucking friend and her friend is screaming at me on speakerphone too, and I am using every iota of self control not to take my shovel and smack her in the face with it...I think that under the circumstances I really deserve a medal...I really REALLY do)

Somehow, probably because I didnt want to deal with any of this shit anymore, I end up giving THEM 200 bucks because when HE hit my car, he cracked his a little itty bitty bit...

but yeah, they made me drive up to the atm, and take out 200 dollars and give it to them...WTF @#$%#@%#$^@%^@%&^&*@%^#$%@#$!#%^$%

Oh, and my birthday rave, which I should be at right now...postponed...till the 27th.

I dont cry alot, But I definitely spent a good portion of my day, popping xanax like m&m and between my self induces valium coma, and brief moments of wakefullness, I cried...because I am so fucked, because I dont have the money to get my car fixed, and today BLOWS.....

But when I did wake up, there were a handful of people in my house, and well, they made me a cake...see what I said before, about how my friends really love me, and I am truly blessed...

my life, still sucks today, but at least I ate some fucking cake.....
and played some tunes,
And they were good......

Btw, here is my newish mix, and an older one....feel free to have a listen... I'm working on a new one so expect to see it soon....

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A day in the life

I wanna say, that in reality, I am totally going to protect the names of the innocent here, but reality is, I'm totally not....

I'll start with describing myself, I am Jaime, but most people just call me J-me. Im going to be 31 on Monday, but really, I like to think that I have the mindset of a 22 year old, and I look pretty young, because well, I have about 200 multi-colored braid extensions in my hair. I currently live in Pittsburgh, I moved here about 5-6 years ago, from Glasgow, Scotland. I am a loudmouthed, outspoken bitch, but my friends all over look that, and pretty much accept the fact that that is just the way that I am, and frankly, when my rage isn't directed at them, I think they admire the fact that, I am that person, who will always call you out when you should be, I am the person who says the things that everyone else is thinking, but no one else has the balls to say. I have lived a pretty amazing life. I have traveled the world, and seen many things in this short time on this planet, and I have experienced more than my share of bullshit along the way. I know that this may sound pretty egotistical, but I am a pretty amazing person, But I am human just like everyone else, I have made many mistakes in my life, and I have also been the recipient of the mistakes of others.

Right now in my life, I live in a house, with a bunch of other Dj's, and I spend alot of my time throwing epic ( and sometimes not so epic) parties, in a close knit scene of ravers, who over the years I have grown to love. One thing in my life I know, is that I am blessed, to be surrounded by people who love me, and for the most part accept me for who I am, even when I am on my high horse. I earned that, I believe that I do... My friends are my family, and I love them dearly. In the last 5 or so years I have met some of the most amazing people, and I have experienced some of the most insane antics, that when I look back, have not only made me who I am, but have also provided a source of entertainment, even through the least in hindsight. But I have also experienced a grand amount of pain, which I have tried, to keep from making me jaded....

Another thing that you should know about me, Is I am a lesbian....I am lovingly referred to as the "lesbi-pimp serial fister" I am pretty open about my sexuality in my social life, But in school, I kinda keep that shit to myself... I figure, I have been fortunate enough to be accepted in my social life, and I just dont out myself to people who dont really have any real impact on my life, because well, frankly, I dont remember ever really giving a shit about what people think of me, and my sex life is pretty much my business, Its not by any means a secret....but well, I dunno...But yeah, I tend to be a pretty hot commodity around these parts, I think my outrageous personality kinda draws people to me, and before you even go there boys, I am all about the ladies, and no, you are not gonna be that magic cock that is gonna bring me back to the dark side of breeder sex, fucking girls is what I like to do, and dammit I do a real good job...

Do I have a big head? of course I do, I earned it, but behind my rockstar mentality, I am just as insecure as the rest of you, but I believe that if you get everyone else to believe your hype, eventually, you start to buy it too. at least on the outside......but inside I am a sweet sensitive girl, who has got caught up in alot of things, but hey, if you cant make fun of your own mistakes in life, what the fuck else can you do, but rot....Some of my friends call me the storyteller, because my over-embellished stories and outrageous anecdotes are often the source of laughter, when all you think you can do is cry....We all party, we all have our vices. We laugh, we cry, we fight and yet, something always brings us back together....and we have a lifestyle, its probably way different from yours, things you could never really see, but here I am, giving you a window, into the Scene, Our Scene, We protect it, we love it, and we live by it, and it really has changed all our lives....It is my family.

Many times throughout my life, I have been told I should write a book, I'm sure one day, when I feel my story has come to an end, I will, because contrary to popular belief, my life isn't all about the party, the party is what gets me through my Monday to Friday is just what I do to fill the space between my weekends, where my real life begins.

What I write about, is most likely going to be the rant of the century, but I think my personality puts an interesting spin on things, and my perspective, tends to be on the elaborate and dramatic side, fun stuff really.... I dont know, read on I suppose, I'm sure it will be enlightning