Friday, May 7, 2010

Today, not such a great day.

I'm gonna start off by saying I am pissed off.

Most of the reasons I am pissed off, I cant even write about here. Instead of writing why I am pissed off, I am simply going to say this. People are incredibly stupid. I don't understand why the human race is so full of people who are so insecure about themselves that they need to make themselves feel validated by making other people feel bad. I don't understand how people can have the capacity to look you in the face with the brightest of smiles, and resent you with such utter anemosity....

I am not a stupid girl, I have learned throughout my life that nothing is real, and nothing is permanent, and nobody NOBODY is ever who they appear to be. It is a sad thing, to come to such realizations. When they say ignorance is bliss, they couldn't be further from the truth. Even myself, I live in a world where I have a persona, and nobody really gets past the walls to the real person inside me. On the rare occasions that I allow someone to bypass those walls, I always regret it. Because no one deserves to be there. Because once I show you who I really am inside, chances are you are going to find a way to use that against me too. It is a sad world, and a lonely way to live, but that realization is the only thing that is the ultimate truth. I am not going to sugar coat the world today. Today was a day which was all too real....and frankly, I just don't feel like allowing myself the blissful pretend outlook. Today I am just going to feel my discontent, so that tomorrow, I can forget about it, and pretend just like everyone else, that the world is a wonderful place full of rainbows and butterflies. But today, the world can go fuck its self, and I am going to wallow in it, until I wake up tomorrow to start the illusion all over again.


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