Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Well...as usual, my life is full of chaos. I am just about finished school for the semester...(thank fuck for that) I am so exhausted lately that I feel like I really dont have time for myself...I have been running circles around myself trying to keep up. I feel like a dog chasing my tail sometimes....I played a few shows recently. I played at Love eternal 2, Where it's at and at Rebirth. I also have played a few house parties too. I am waiting for the details for a benefit show for this skate park in the city...hopefully that will be good...it sounds pretty interesting. I also am supposed to play at a superhero theme'd party too.

One thing I am very excited about is that I am going to Detroit in a couple of weeks to go to DEMF...a 3 day electronic music festival. I am so pumped to be driving out to Detroit with Damian, Wes and Chantay. I love road trips....LOVE them....and I have been wanting to go to DEMF now for something stupid like 4 years.

I have been trying to keep things quiet these days...keeping the house parties at a minimum....Things just don't feel right...Apart from feeling so tired all the time, I just have this feeling something bad is about to happen...and usually my gut instinct on these matters tends to be spot on. A few of my friends have been getting into some trouble lately, and while I don't really get involved with these sorts of matters, I just feel the wave of drama about to unfold. I am picking which shows I go to very carefully these days....Especially after I managed to get bitten by some random dude at a show a few weeks back...I just dont feel that comfortable...so I am chilling and giving myself a much needed break.

Basically what happened with that was, I had just finished playing my set at Where it's at, in Squirrel Hill, and I walked outside to smoke a cigarette, and when I got out there, there was a 200lb man, running around naked. Now, we all know how I tend to help out from time to time, and sometimes, I end up getting involved with things which I would be better off....not...but anyway, I walked over to said naked dude, and was like....here buddy, let me help you pull your pants up...Turns out, this man had been thrown out of the party earlier by Smokie,(our friendly neighborhood law enforcer) and had put up quite a fight. Turns out that this man was covered from head to toe with mace....as I helped this dude try to pull his jeans back up, he stumbled, because he was quite fucked up, and fell on top of me....when this happened, about 6 security guards jumped in and tried to pull him off of me....I think that what happened after that was that this man was so out of his mind...probably on acid or something, that he just felt like he was getting attacked and started kicking and biting...while he was still on top of me...which resulted in me getting bitten by this man on my stomach...as hard as he possibly could...like I almost passed out from the pain...(I really thought he took a huge chunk out of my stomach). On top of all that, I was COVERED in mace, because all of the mace that was on this guy, ended up all over me...I had no idea that mace burned your skin as well as your mouth, eyes and orifaces...I had that shit all over my face...it fucking sucked...remind me NEVER EVER to piss off a cop...I think I would rather get tazed....

After they managed to pull this dude off me, he started wandering around ( still naked mind you) in the middle of the road and everything...after about 15 minutes 3 cop cars and an ambulance showed up....it took 9 cops to restrain this guy...who might I remind you, was still naked...He also BIT one of the cops too... The cops made me go to the hospital because this guy managed to break my skin through a t-shirt and a hoodie....and to be honest, this bite was pretty friggin bad...and my car was blocked in so I couldn't even drive myself to the hospital....

So, off to the hospital, with my friends in a car following the ambulance....turns out that the cops ended up doing quite a number on this dude, and he was STILL all kinds of fucked up...so when I got to the hospital, that guy, he was there too...we could hear him screaming from the waiting room...every time he would yell, I would yell out, YEAH...YOU STAB HIM WITH THAT NEEDLE!!!!

Doctors gave me a script for Vicoden, and when they were done tending to me, I went back to the party ( about 2 hours later ) I mean I had to...my car was still there :) (but if anyone asks, its because I am hardcore...I make a trip to the ER and come BACK to the rave afterward... ;P

Anyway, on top of all that, I got a phone call from Pgh's finest, I get to go to court and testify next week....not sure how I feel about all that...

1 comment:

  1. just love how those teeth marks are so individually marked by bruises....like OW man
